Komiks: Morfium#2: Prorok

Wstęp do drugiej częśći komiksu Morfium pod - tajemniczo brzmiącym i niesamowitym - tytułem: Prorok. Zdarowie!
Edit: 16 kwietnia - Wrzuciłem wersję z angielskim tekstem. Podziękowania dla Pantografa:)

It`s the introduction to the second part of Morfium - Prophet (mysterious and amazing title, isn`t it;) . Salute!
Edit 04.16.08 - I added version with text. Great thanks for Pantograf:)


Har-Dao pisze…
Hello :)

And as for me - again - what about the english version. Hope you (or someone you know) will translate this into english, would be nice to read it - rather than just seeing blank spots :)))

Good GFX though :)

Dismas pisze…
Yep, I know one pretty good-looking guy who translated it. So You must wait, my very very mysterious friend:D
Dismas pisze…
You ask - You have it:)
Har-Dao pisze…
That is what I wanted - a good translation - is the text from one of your greatest polish poets? What`s his name? Mickiewicz or sth like that? There is no info that it is his poetry.... or am I blind?

much ablide :)

Dismas pisze…
Well, I think that You`re not blind, but I`m not 100% sure:D Ok, ok, you`re right - this is the Mickiewicz`s poem, but Morfium: Prophet is a COMIC BOOK, mate, not three-page story and the info will be on second part of cover:)
Har-Dao pisze…
Hello :)

I understand clearly now.

I have a question that lots of your fans probably would want to know - when will you start making movies about Morfium?


Dismas pisze…
Who knows... In a few years, I suppose... I don`t know yet:)

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